Mendocino County Photography and Beyond

Digital Imagery by Jeff Goll

Nature Photography of Mendocino

Brown Pelicans in flight at Casper Headlands, Mendocino
Brown Pelicans in flight at Casper Headlands, Mendocino
Fine Art and Photoshop Manipulated Photographs

Brown Pelicans in flight- Casper Headlands

Coastal hills and fog from Branscomb Rd near DeHaven

"Saucer" sunset Keesbury Bay Mendocino

Manipulated photo of flower mound Mendocino Botanical Gardens

My photography capturing Mendocino's Events

Emandal musicians Sourdough Slim and Robert Armstrong

Ft Bragg Labor Day Parade-Seniors on Bikes

Ukiah Redwood Fair girl and cow

Mendocino Japanese Obon Festival

Willits 4th of July 2021 Sweetheart Claire Case Brackett

Mendocino County Fair Boonville Barrel Racing

Ft Bragg Labor Day Parade- Vaquero Rope Loop

Willits Farmers Market- Allegra Foley

Salmon BBQ- South Noyo Harbor Ft Bragg

Willits 4th of July Parade at Noyo Theater

Ft Bragg Labor Day Parade Cubs Jr Cheerleaders

Redwood Valley Black Black Bart Parade

Willits Farmers Market egg inspection

Willits Roots of Motive Power train engineer

Willits 4th of July Parade helping hand

Personal Experience

I've been involved in photography since Junior High School when they had a small B&W darkroom for students to use. After that, I was the Photo Editor at New Trier West's WestWatch school paper and then photographed at U of I's Daily Illini. Since then, I worked for AB Dick business machines as in-house photographer and Blinderman Construction as their photographer. In Mendocino, I've shown my work at the Willits Center for the Arts and Medium gallery in Ukiah. I've also photographed for: The Eel River Recovery Project, Roots of Motive Power in Willits, EPIC, and 2 years for the Anderson Valley Advertiser in Boonville. I now continue to build my photo portfolio photographing mainly in Mendocino.


This website features highlights of the many images I've captured in Mendocino, and I've got many others also that feature the Chicago land area where I've also lived. Email or call me if you've got interest in more examples of my imagery.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime